Sunday, January 22, 2012

More Creations

Using publisher I had to create a brochure of a normal day for me. I included my school schedule and the classes I take.

This is the other side of the brochure

Now, insteadd of using photoshop for the following assignments I began using gooogle sketch up.
In htis image i created four basic shapes.

Using the four basic shapes from before i made them 3D and added color to them.

Next, I had to write my name using shapes and make it 3D

After learning how to create basic shapes I had to create complex 3D shapes.

Thsi is the second set of complex shapes i had to create

Anithe complex shape

After learning a lot of the tools on google sketch up I had to create a bugalow. This consisted of complex shapes, certain measurments and textures.

Using photoshop, I created a power button and then added aseries of images to make it glow.

Using the bugalow I made before, I imported it into photoshop and den added blue and red layers to make it 3D.

Mutimedia Creations Using Images

This is my cover for my second marking period multimedia portfoilio.

This is a flyer I made using publisher, I was promoting 'Blast from the Past' day in my school for the seniors. In publisher I inserted text and images from photoshop.

In thsi image I took a a picture of myself, inserted it into photoshop then applied the american flag over my face, changed the opacity and erased parts of the flag that were not on my face.
In this image I took the image of a red dress form google and then inserted it into photoshop, I then applied a different pattern over the dress and changed the opcacity to let some of the red from the dress to come through.

Using photoshop I had to create an advertisement banner, i created shapes, inserted text and images.

With this image I had to make it appear that it was in morion.
Using an image of a celeberty I had to brighten aomething on her face, i decided to brighten her teeth.

Again, using an image of a celeberty I had to give her a natural glow.

Using Adobe Illustartor, i had to create the image of  USB using different shapes.

Multimedia creations

This is my cover that i created for the powerpoint of my assignment I did using publisher and photoshop. To make this ccover i used photoshop nd the gradient tool.

Using publisher I created a business card for my teacher.

After applying many effects on a picture of myself using photoshop i put them all together using publisher.

Dancing is one of my favorite things to do, so for this assignment i used photoshop and put together many pictures that were realted to dancing and I put them behind a text saying 'DANCE' nd then i delted the inside of the text to allow the pictures to com through.

With the opacity tool in photoshop i created 3 different colored cirlces and then changed how dark or light i wanted the cirlces.

In photoshop I inserted a black and white photo and then I added tot the area i wanted to add color to.

I created an image of a chicken in photoshop using the gradient and stamp tool. With the stamp tool i used the stamp image of grass to create the chicken's feet.

Next, I had to create and image using the gradient tool and other tools in photshop.

Now, in photoshop I started to create texts in different foms. In this text u I selected different effects to make this text look like glass.

With this text I made it look a little 3D and behimd the text I inserted an image of my school.

In this text i added efects to make it look plastic.

In this last text, I added effects and used the gradient tool to make it look 'CRAZY'.